Thursday, August 11, 2011

BYU choral auditions coming soon!

I just saw this YouTube video about BYU's choral auditions, which start 25 Aug. If you are interested, check out the video, especially the last half that shows Sister Hall conducting auditions; that is EXACTLY what they're like! I got all nervous again just watching... :) Also, feel free to pass it along to any interested BYU friends.

In addition to the endorsements in the video, here's my BYU Choirs testimony: It is a singular experience to hold your head high, gratefully accept applause from the audience. and know, deep down, that after pouring your soul into that night, you've given them a world-class performance that is completely worthy of their gratitude and appreciation.

Pass the word along!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Facile Fuel

Up a hill on a bike, I break into a sweat;
When I get home, I clean out the larder.
Up a hill in a car, it's an easier bet:
I just mash on the gas pedal harder.