Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So Far So Good

Okay, it's probably time for me to finally talk a little about how I'm feeling about this project.

First off, there is a lot less to go on than I had earlier supposed. I have some ideas about what to write, but they are not always quick in arriving. I suppose this is what is meant by "Writer's Block".

The fun part of the process occurs after the idea's arrival, spinning it into a full-fledged article. Although I previously had written only what sounded right, I am learning the virtue of writing down whatever comes to mind, then editing it to make it sound right. This tactic generally gets me a ways down the road and actually ends in tangible results.

Interestingly, putting down my thoughts about a half-formed idea tends to help me fully organize my thoughts. I am beginning to see why some people say that you should write a book about something if you want to understand it.

I love the feel of creating something out of nothing. I know that what I write comes directly from my head, and that act of creation leaves me feeling productive in a way I had never before felt. Giving expression to my thoughts leaves me with the impression that I am leaving a mark on the world, even if it is a very small, digital mark.

This compares to writing in my journal, but only in the sense that it is writing. Knowing that it will go out to an audience does make me view things differently.

As far as endurance goes, I am certainly finding myself more willing to spend more time writing. With it as my monthly resolution, it has become my default activity when I have "down time," and it shows in the volume of text I have put out, if not in the quality of it.

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